Triptofan - acțiune, apariție, proprietăți,

Tryptophan - action, occurrence, properties

Many people do not realise the importance of a proper diet in the occurrence of depressive disorders. Tryptophan is a very important essential amino acid that is not produced by the body itself, and is supplied by food. It can be found, for example, in milk proteins. Its role is closely related to a person's well-being and general mental state.

Tryptophan - properties

Tryptophan is one of the eight essential amino acids. It is involved in the synthesis of proteins. It has a great influence on the proper functioning of the body. Sometimes it also has the function of serotonin, which is commonly referred to as the happy hormone. It has the function of regulating mood, well-being and appetite in humans. A lack of serotonin can very often even lead to depression. Tryptophan is also responsible for the body's production of melatonin, a hormone that facilitates falling asleep and ensures quality sleep. A person who enjoys an adequate amount of this ingredient in the body has greater immunity and is more protected against harmful UV radiation. It acts as a protective barrier. In the case of breastfeeding women, it is responsible for the proper development of lactation. Tryptophan is involved in the normal functioning of the nervous system. Low levels of serotonin and melatonin can cause anxiety, irritability and even lead to behavioural disorders.

Tryptophan - occurrence

It is most commonly found in legumes, dairy products and fish. Lean meat, pumpkin seeds and eggs are also rich sources. Dietary supplements, which are available, are designed in the pharmacy for people with sleep problems. It is in such products that the ingredient called tryptophan is found most quickly. These drugs are intended for people who are exposed to chronic stress, work under pressure and have noticed a dramatic decrease in energy. It is very often recommended for men who do not feel satisfied with their sex life. In pharmacy products, tryptophan is usually not the only active ingredient contained in the product. It is also supported by other important substances that improve the functioning of the nervous system. Supplements containing it are recommended for people who want to improve their mood and reduce sleep problems. It is also recommended for the treatment of migraines and premenstrual tension, which can be very difficult for many women.

Tryptophan before bedtime

Tryptophan is involved in the production of melatonin, a hormone produced in the pineal gland whose role is to regulate the diurnal rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. If our body's melatonin levels are low and our cortisol (stress hormone) levels are high, we can have serious problems falling asleep and with the sleep cycle itself. Insomnia, in turn, will very quickly translate into a gradual weakening and depletion of our organism. It is therefore worth trying out those supplements for a good night's sleep that contain tryptophan. Preparations of this type may prove particularly effective if the cause of insomnia is depression. Tryptophan is a precursor of serotonin, the happiness hormone. Without it, we may experience symptoms such as apathy, lowered mood or sleep problems, so supplementation with this ingredient should be the first step towards a better mood and improved sleep quality.

Tryptophan with vitamin B6 and magnesium

Magnesium and vitamin B6 improve the absorption of tryptophan and increase its effects. Preparations of this type are especially dedicated to people who experience apathy, fatigue and weakness or who are exposed to severe stress. Magnesium is an essential component for energy metabolism and has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire nervous system. Vitamin B6, on the other hand, is involved in many different vital processes and is essential for the body to function properly. In this combination, tryptophan acts as a stimulator for the production of serotonin, which is responsible for the wellbeing and positive energy that drives one to live.

Tryptophan action

His action is very diverse. However, it can be distinguished by its participation in the production of serotonin in the body, its effect on lactation, the production of melatonin, a component that affects the regulation of the human diurnal rhythm, its effect on reproduction, the improvement of immunity, the regulation of mood and the reduction of tension in humans, the improvement of the nervous system. In the case of tryptophan deficiency, insomnia, major mood swings and a tendency to depressive states are noticed. An excess of this component is also very damaging. Symptoms of tryptophan excess include excessive fatigue and sleepiness, headaches, nausea and vomiting, stunted growth and smooth muscle degradation. In many cases, it also leads to very serious liver damage. It is therefore important to monitor the body closely and to dose the drug according to the instructions on the leaflet. The level should be optimal for the body to function properly. The effects of tryptophan have a very important impact on the overall functioning of the human being.

Tryptophan - Dosage

The package leaflets should be read and strictly adhered to. This reduces the chance of harmful side effects. Typically, tryptophan should be taken between 500 and 2000 mg per day before bed and 1000 mg before meals. In the pharmacy, this ingredient can be found under the name L-tryptophan. When using pharmacy products, the daily dose is usually in the form of one tablet. The amount of tryptophan in food is too small for there to be a possibility of overdosing on this agent.

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