Vitamina K2 - efecte, simptome de deficiență, sursa de apariție

Vitamin K2 - effects, deficiency symptoms, source of occurrence

Vitamin K2 is a substance that does not occur on its own, but is a term for a group of specific compounds. It is involved in the blood clotting process. However, this is not the only function for which it is responsible. It helps maintain healthy bones, prevents atherosclerosis and counteracts various types of cardiovascular disease, and even reduces the risk of cancer. An adequate amount of it can also prevent osteoporosis, thanks to the fact that osteocalcin, a protein that is synthesised in the cells responsible for bone formation, depends on it. Of course, the functions or advantages of having the right vitamin K2 status in one's body are numerous. In addition to the aforementioned, these include reducing the risk of fractures, or increasing the survival rate of people with cancers such as liver cancer in a significant way. We certainly need vitamin K2, so we can easily conclude that it is worthwhile to ensure that our bodies have adequate levels of this substance, as it is associated with a whole host of undeniable benefits.

Vitamin K2 deficiency

Vitamin K2 deficiency, like virtually any vitamin, is extremely dangerous and can lead to a whole host of complications. If we do not want to be concerned about this, a very important part of prevention is to prepare and follow a varied and healthy diet, rich in this vitamin. For this reason, we should be constantly on the lookout and carry out periodic checkups. As far as the typical symptoms of deficiency of this substance in the human body are concerned, these are:

  • bleeding (for example from the gums),
  • frequent problems with wound healing,
  • problems with bone mineralisation (which increases the risk of bone fracture),
  • pre-cardiovascular conditions

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